We survived the annual Nutcracker Ballet madness this year. Kristen’s students put on a great show again for the South San Francisco Civic Ballet. It was great seeing people I only get to see once or twice a year. The most unusual thing this year was the lack of crazy parents running around and wreaking havoc backstage, or during intermission.

I did my usual tasks: security, signing kids in and out, help setting up concession tables, and assisting in cleaning up after and moving a ton of stuff (literally). Years ago, I had done sound and lighting for the show but my old highschool now has updated equipment and two guys who are pro’s at all this stagecraft. These cats are smart, funny and were a blast to hang with.

Hey…my webhosts fixed everything they broke last week!
Now that we’re back to normal …I’m still thinking about redesigning parts of my site slowly. We’ll see how that pans out.

My younger brother is back in town for the week and it’s good to see him. I’m hoping to get some more speed paintigns done so hopefully I’ll have something new to show you after the new year kicks off.

See ya…