Today is of course the celebration of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday as well as International Day of Non-Violence.

I left work early today because I’m starting to get sick. Anyhow as Gandhiji’s struggle to free India resulted in people of different ethnic groups, language groups, castes and religions come together, throw off the shackles of their colonial masters and form the world’s largest democracy. It leads me to tonight’s debate between Biden and Palin. Please, please, please America – don’t give us a McCain & Palin administration. I’m begging you… I want a leader who inspires the nation to realize it’s full potential rather than continue on this downward spiral we’re on.

So enough of the politics. Where have I been? Why haven’t I been blogging? Well a lot has happened this summer. We lost Gung Gung. I had a gallery show and it got extended. My father-in-law retired. My mom retired and went back to India. We moved.
Work has been nuts.

You know what else is going on? Facebook – that’s what’s for dinner. For the last 4 weeks or so I’ve had people from my past pop-up out of nowhere. Junior high, high school and even college. A lot of these people I have not seen in 20 years! Oh yeah, almost forgot…I turned 35 last month. Awesome! YES REALLY! Life is good.

Now we’re all about redecorating and furniture. Remember these words: Mid-Century Modern. Otherwise I’ve got some art in the works. Stay tuned for another update soon.

Till then – let’s think about living in peace.