Judy in the lobby

It’s been a long time hasn’t it? Well a lot has happenned and I want to wish everyone a very belated Happy New Year. So where do I start?

Well the Vice President shot his buddy with a shotgun a few weeks ago. Old news? Yes. Funny? Yes still funny as hell =)

Ok, so I had my old domain name hijacked around the end of December. If you’re reading this now then you’ve probably used one of my new URLs: mrsidslounge.com or mrsid.org. If you’re going to register a domain name just go with godaddy.com – whatever you do steer clear of domainsite.com (the bastards decided to not send any renewal notices and then tried to charge me $75 to get it back.)

After that debaucle I started a new job. I ended 5 years of working at home. Now I commute everyday across the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge north to San Rafael where I’m working as 2D artist and webmaster for Mind Control Software. We make video games! Yeah, this is the first time in my life I’ve said that I LOVE my job. How rare is that? I’m surrounded by talented designers, engineering geniuses and amazing artists who are inspiring me to really sharpen my drawing and painting skills.

As usual I’ve got a bunch of crazy personal projects in the works, but I’ve also found a little time to help out my friend Frances. Her photography is fantastic and she needed a portfolio site. Check out her new site francessonia.com.

Well my supercrazy work schedule has definately cooled down. Stay tuned for some new artwork and new music in a few weeks.