I find myself on the first day of the winter break from work. Each year I end up sifting through papers scattered around my computer, through notebooks and sketchbooks that I knew i carried around this year. Personal projects often get put on hold. Then of course I look back at my drawings in the past year and try to figure out if I’ve evolved at all as an artist. As you may already know I work as an artist in the video game industry. Things tend to get busy around September and snowball into crunch time in December. Anyway, you would think I’d feel burned out from doing art all day for a living. Strangely, I find myself sketching and coming up with more ideas. Now that the break is on, I have crazy expectations on what I can get accomplished before I return to work in the new year. I’ve just scanned a few pieces that I don’t mind showing off. There of course will be more sketches coming soon.

Random right? Just some mid century modern furniture.

Blind Naga Justice

This is a tattoo design for my old friend Don. He wanted an ancient Hindu twist on the concept that justice is blind. Typically her depictions are based on the ancient Greek goddess Dike, or the Roman equivalent Justitia. Instead I turned her into a Naga (a race of supernatural serpent beings).

WW2 pinup

A World War II themed pinup. Who knows when I’ll get to paint this one.

Animal Squadron Logos

What’s this with animals and squadron mottos and Victorian accents? You’ll just have to wait till I post that series of works!

angelina 01angelina 02

Ok, so these were actually from last year! I finally got around to scanning them. Yes, they were off of photos of Angelina Jolie.